activation adsorption




  1. The effects of carbonization temperature and time on shrinkages of PAN-CHF and PAN-ACHF, activation yield, specific surface area and adsorption capacity were investigated.
  2. Polystyrene-based activated carbon spheres were prepared by steam activation and their adsorption performance to a sulfur-containing dibenzothiophene was studied.
  3. The adsorption of lead ions on mineral surface brings, to some degree, about mineral activation, decreased negative Zeta potentials and increased adsorption of CF reagent on mineral surface.
  4. The preparation of immunoadsorbent by activation of 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether and the adsorption for hepatitis B surface antigen
  5. Modification treatment of Chengde zeolite was conducted by means of addition of inorganic salt and fused-aqueous alkali or by thermal activation, adsorption test was performed with simulated ammonia-nitrogen wastewater, and the modification result and origin was further analyzed by means of XRD and SEM.
  6. In the activation of lignin charcoal with activating agent A, the effects of activation temperature, time and quantity of activating agent on methylene blue adsorption, iodine value and yield of activated carbon were studied.
  7. In addition, mechanism of moisture adsorption of corn hull desiccants. By the phenomena of adsorption and calculative activation energy, the mechanism of moisture adsorption was validated.
  8. This indicated that the K+ adsorption-desorption in purple soil were not a simple process, but a complex process that was affected by soil expanding, activation of soil adsorption sites activizing, soil surface diffusion, and so on.
  9. Because magnesium hydroxide is of buffering property, high activation, powerful adsorption, safety, no toxic, no harm, it is widely applied to water treatment in recent years.
  10. Evidently the activation of CO and bonding of CO with Fe were different for different adsorption sites and configurations.
  11. The study on the surface character and the activation of zeolite, and the static and dynamic adsorption of zeolite-active carbon are proceeded.
  12. Influence of o_2 and h_2o on the adsorption of so_2 over pitch-based spheric activated carbon the influence of activation condition on the PSAC structure and adsorption capacity
  13. The effects of different activation condition on the activation yield and adsorption capacity of iodine were investigated.
  14. The mechanism of CO 2 adsorption and activation on metal catalyst and metal oxide catalyst and reaction performance of various adsorption states have been discussed. An effective way of using CO 2 as a kind of mild oxidant in chemical processes has been presented.
  15. The apparent activation energy and adsorption isothermal curve were determined.
  16. The effects of operation parameters such as activation temperature and time on the adsorption properties of activated carbons were measured and analyzed in order to optimize these operation conditions.
  17. Microwave power is one of the mostly important factors on affecting the activation, modification of activated carbon, regeneration, also the adsorption properties and yield.
  18. Study on Activation Diffusion in Zeolites by Temperature Programmed Adsorption
  19. The effects of the parameters, such as the KOH/ MMB ratio, activation temperature and activation time, on the yield and surface area and benzene adsorption capacity of the activated carbon microbeads are systematically investigated.
  20. The stable geometries, the bonding energies and the activation energies are calculated for ethylene adsorption on transition metal Ni ( 111) and Cu ( 111) surfaces by using EHMO method.
  21. The variation regularity for activation energy of thiophene HDS is the same as that of adsorption heat on MoS 2/ Mg ( Al) O.
  22. Activation effect of chelating agent on xanthate and their co& adsorption properties
  23. The geometries, bonding energies, activation energies and bonding properties of cyclopropane adsorption on Ru ( 001) surfaces are calculated by use of EHMO and tight-binding solid program.
  24. Surface silicon dangling bonds are significantly increased after surface activation which lead to effectively chemical adsorption of OH groups.
  25. Effects of reaction parameters such as material-to-agent ratio, pre-oxidation temperature, pre-oxidation time, activation temperature and activation time on adsorption properties of ACF were investigated.
  26. This paper studied the effect of initial pH, temperature lotus bar activated carbon to water solution chino-e norfloxacin adsorption capacity, proven by phosphoric acid activation of lotus bar activated carbon for norfloxacin adsorption characteristics.
  27. By electrochemical polarization curves and adsorption theory, calculated by adding corrosion inhibitors for zinc corrosion in hydrofluoric acid in the activation energy and adsorption heat, and then the mechanism of inhibition.
  28. Adsorption ability of excess sludge was improved after aerobic treatment. It could adsorb a lot of pollutants from wastewater again after activation as adsorption material. Aeration for 30 min was enough for activating sludge. 7.